reimangining people interactions

Have You ever tried to communicate with anybody but feeling shyness, diffidence, fear? That's not the point right now: introducing the whole new experience meeting new people everywhere: in a subway, on a plane, in a shopping center, on a street etc. You don't need to talk, to communicate or to operate with anybody: just using tapcate you're always ready to rock the waves around You!

the meaning of tap

  • it's your crush

    The concept of an interaction between You and People is clear and cool – tap this radar, while standing near Your Crush!

  • but wait a little

    We respect privacy and freedom of choice – after tapping somebody it's time to wait a little just to make sure that you're not more nearby.

  • looking great

    Your tap was mutual? Great, it's time to take a closer look at Crush's profile and finally hit that like button!

it works!

It's just a matter of time when You could tap everybody around – just stay in touch!
But tapcate is transparent and open – just look at out real stats, will it give you motivation to help us spreading?

  • 24 users
  • 1 taps
  • 28 matches
  • 758 messages

tapcate provides a new way to meet other people considering as much as possible privacy and simplicity. Just tap the radar and find somebody around you using only Bluetooth and/or GPS. Even in underground, subways, parking lots, huge buildings, aircrafts, space etc. You'll be able to find somebody just using the power of signal. There's no need to expose yourself promptly - just wait until right time comes and make right decision! Your privacy is out top priority so we worked on intern logic to provide the easiest, but also the safest experience. All user data (including taps, histories, chats) can be completely removed just in a few clicks.

ready to tap?

Currently tapcate is available only on iOS, but we're looking forward to also bring it on Android.
If you want to stay in touch with tapcate, subscribe for newsletter (just the most important events).